Diversity in the Fashion Industry
Hey Hey Hey! I'm Working on my Masters Thesis and would really appreciate if you guys could help me out by taking my survey...

21 Things I Learned In 21 Years.
My 22nd birthday is tomorrow and I have been thing about some of the things that I have learned in the past 21 years of my life.Turning...

I Finally made a Youtube Video!!
It's OFFICIAL!!!! I finally uploaded a video to my youtube channel Courtney's Closet!!! You can see it below: So a while ago I made a...

2018's New Years Resolutions!
2018 is a unique year, not only as it is the beginning of a new year, but also a new month and a new week! There couldn’t be a better...

My Favourite Songs of 2017!
So if you're not already aware i’m really into music and i thought you guys might be interested in my favourite songs of 2017 so i...

Is there a need to diversify models in the fashion industry to be more representative of the populat
For my Masters Degree application I was tasked to write a critical article on an aspect that interested me in fashion and I wrote the...

New Views of New York: Top 3 places to Hang out in New York
As a non-native New Yorker, I did all of the touristy things one would usually expect. I visited the statue of liberty, went up the...

New York Food Diary
One of the most exciting things about this trip to New York was the amount and variety of food that was on offer and as a foodie I was...

New Youtube Channel.
So I've been in the process of setting up a youtube channel I'd love it if you guys could subscribe and support me :) xx subscribe here...

July Moodboard
Follow my blog on BlogLovin' After working for three long years, moving away from home and meeting some lifelong friends I have finally...