No more procrastination!

Procrastination. It seems only fitting that my first blog post be entitled this because that’s what I have literally been doing in regards to this blog. I have been trying to set this blog up for about 2 years but it never was quite right design wise and I didn’t know what I wanted to blog about. I’d forget the password for the account (this happened to many times to count) or work would get in the way. But finally after all that I have managed to sit down and get this done hopefully from now on I’ll be able to keep this interesting and updated and you might enjoy it. The funny thing about this blog is even though I hadn’t posted a lot of this stuff, when interesting things would happen I’d make posts and document them in my computer and now I have at least a 10 blog posts from over the past 2 years that I have no idea what to do with? Maybe I’ll post them anyway to get myself going? Who knows! We’ll have to wait and see won’t we… I guess since this will be my first post I should probably tell you about myself: My name is Courtney I’m a 20 year old student studying Music at the University of Liverpool which is like my favourite city! But my hometown is Nottingham so you'll probably see a mixture of both on this blog plus and cool trips that i go on. For as long as I can remember my mother has always had the worlds biggest collection of clothes I mean seriously it’s ridiculous! But watching her love for fashion encouraged me from a young age to become interested in it too. And I now have an arsenal of clothes rivalling hers, like mother like daughter I guess hahaha. So the purpose of this blog is to share things that I like from fashion and beauty to lifestyle, traveling and photography I hope you like what comes next.
Courtney xx